I've implemented Math Bags in my prek classroom this past year and my students absolutely loved it!
- Each student received a "Math Bag" with their name on it, which I purchased from the Dollar Store.
- Within each bag, I placed an insert instructing my students' families to go around the house and help them find and COUNT 5 items (big or small) that they would not mind donating to the class. These items can be small toys, paperclips, buttons, caps, rocks...really anything and the 5 items do not need to be the same.
- I usually sent these bags home on Fridays and students return them on Mondays.
- During our Monday Morning Circles, we would go through each bag and count and see the items their friends brought.
- It was a lot of fun! And my students really mastered the concept of counting!
- This Math Bags counting project lasted a good 1-2 months.
You can definitely further the counting project to 10 items or more, patterns, even.
Please let me know if you do this and how it worked out for you!
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