Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mystery Walker

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Behavior Tip: hallway manners

I plan on implementing this in my own classroom soon!  Sounds very fun and mysterious!  Thanks, again, Mailbox!
There's no secret to maintaining proper hallway behavior with this fun tip. Write each student's name on a craft stick and place the sticks in a container near the door. Also hang a laminated sheet of poster board on the door. Before leaving the room, remove one stick without revealing the mystery walker's name. After returning to the room, name the mystery walker only if s/he behaved properly. (If s/he did not behave properly, return the stick to the container.) Have the student to use a dry-erase marker to sign his name on the poster. Encourage the class to sign as many names as possible during the week. On Friday, count the number of signatures and address them as role models and then, wipe the poster clean for a new week.
Update: I did this with my second grade class, using the Random button on my ClassDojo app, and my kids walked perfectly down the hall!  I told them if my mystery walker does well walking nicely and quietly down the halls, they will receive 5 ClassDojo points.  It worked like magic!  Try it!

Please leave me a comment and let me know how it works for you!

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